Sonntag, 24. Oktober 2010

call me ;)

Svaka moderna zena trebala bi imati moderan mobitel. Mi telefoniramo, saljemo poruke, chatamo, stavljamo novi status na Facebook-u. Meni treba novi telefon, cak i tako sam primjetila koliko izbora imamo. Ovdje imam mali skup mobilnih telefona koje bi ja preporucila. Ja sam veliki obozzavtelj BlackBerry-a, pa sam odlucila kupiti Bolt9700 u bijeloj boji.

Any modern woman should have a modern mobile phone. We make phone calls, send messages, chat, update our Facbook status. I need a new phone and even so, I noticed how much choice we have. Here I have a small set of good phones, I would recommend. I am a big fan of BlackBerry, so I've decided to buy the Bolt9700 in white.
 Sony Ericsson Xperia x10

malo je prevelik, ali izgleda super i bas divan
it's a littel bit to big, but it looks fantastic and glamorous

Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini Pro
bas je sladak mobitel, samo sto je pre mal
very sweet mobile phone, just very small

Samsung s5230 

slican oblik kao iPhone
looks like the iPhone, doesen't it?

 Samsung Blue Earth

sa solarne ćelije, učinite nešto dobro za prirodu
with solar cells, do something good for nature

 Motorola flipout

izgleda super i dobijes 4 omota uz njega
looks great and you get 4 envelopes

 Nokia E97

vrlo elegantan mobilni
very elegant mobile phone

 Nokia Morph

futurni mobilni telefon
the future mobile phone

 BlackBerry Storm 2

jos nije u prodaju
not available yet
 BlackBerry Bolt9700 white
ovo je moj novi mobilni
this is my new mobile phone

 iPhone 4

sta se mene tice iPhone izgleda najbolje
i think iPhone has the best design

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